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P&C SPOCs: Embracing The Spock Spirit For Stellar Culture

A new variety of P&C professionals has emerged in a galaxy not so far away, where spreadsheets and personnel files boldly go where no man has gone before. Introducing the P&C SPOCs – the “Single Point of Contact” for each of our Company units.

Do you have a question and don’t know who to ask? Want to share, discuss, challenge, or simply need a sympathetic (not necessarily pointy) ear?

To ensure a superior client experience, organizations need to provide a top-notch employee experience. By focusing on creating a positive and supportive environment for employees, companies can lay the foundation for delivering exceptional service to their clients.

Just like Spock is essential to Kirk, the P&C SPOCs are here to navigate the vast expanse of employee needs and company management, bridging the worlds together.
We take pride in offering calmness and guidance during challenging situations, even when faced with the occasional supernova. Inspired by the Vulcan philosophy, the P&C SPOCs are dedicated to cultivating harmony in the workplace.

Believing that "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few," we are here to listen, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued, no matter if they come from a Delivery, Digital, Client, or Business planet.

Embrace the spirit of Spock and let the P&C SPOCs guide you through the cosmos of people’s planets with logic, compassion, and the occasional Vulcan salute.

A bridge between Worlds: P&C serves as a bridge between the employees and management, balancing the needs of both parties and ensuring effective communication and understanding.

Logical Guidance: We can bring a level-headed approach to strategic planning and help navigate complex P&C issues.

Balancing Competing Priorities: P&C helps management prioritize organizational and people initiatives, such as talent management and employee engagement, by providing resources, data, and solutions, resolving conflicts, and fostering a positive work environment.

Fostering Unity: P&C plays a supportive role in fostering unity and collaboration within the organization. We promote a sense of community, teamwork, and an inclusive company culture.

A woman talks with another one in the office full of people

In CMG, we combine humanity and digital prowess, channeling our inner Spocks. We’re all about sustainability and a people-centric vibe. Fortunately, we lack pointy ears, but we rock as indispensable partners to management, bringing expertise, insights, and a pinch of humor to keep things running smoothly in the company’s Enterprise.

Live long and prosper, your P&C SPOCs.