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Relocate Your Storefront To Digital

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Previously, digital ads were a novelty, and every ad had that “wow” factor. Customers were eager to engage and find out more about the product that was placed on a static banner. Now, static CTA is old and not dynamic enough. Most customers will not go away from the content they were looking at, research the opportunity that it brings and then go back to purchase.

That’s where shoppable assets come in! There is no need to change the focus of a customer from the brand or product page to the separate store page, where they may search through countless sub-pages, and end up in a dead-end resulting in a bad customer journey and missed sales opportunity. Shoppable assets provide a customer with a seamless journey, as they are dynamically integrated into the asset, and offer a well-informed purchase decision, and in some cases, even the complete transaction.

Woman pointing on red shoes on a website using tablet

Shoppable assets fulfill two objectives at once: build brand image and drive sales. Customers want immediate gratification and big businesses are changing their strategies to satisfy customer demands. With a shoppable asset, the user will have a far richer experience than with a static CTA on a video.

‍Shoppable assets offer awesome, highly sought out, information in real-time:

  • Prices
  • Offers and discounts
  • Global and local availability
  • Ratings and reviews
  • Purchase
  • Click and collect
  • Delivery options

And many more ease-of-access perks that traditional digital content can only dream of, right in the digital asset that was created specifically for your brand. The consumer doesn’t have to leave their cooking show or a podcast behind to discover the whole brand page, they can finish their purchase in the ad itself and continue watching the video where it was paused automatically. Brands can acquire first-party data on customer purchase intent at scale. There is an opportunity to learn about consumer behavior firsthand, without relying on third-party analytics.

The growth of shoppable assets is increasing as the pandemic has increased digital purchase by 500% and true scalability, dynamically managed content, direct integration, and extensive analytics through a real-time dashboard.

Shoppable assets have a bright future. Get in touch to see how we can relocate.If you want to find out how shoppable assets can fit your brand give us a ring and start packing your boxes because your storefront will be relocating to digital.