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Positive Impact Of AgTech

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As an experienced partner of major players in the farming industries, CMG has a lot of opportunities to talk with people of varying backgrounds about how they perceive healthy and safe food. More often than not, the terms healthy foodandtechnologydidn’t fall into the same sentences. The romantic idea of small farms producing fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, and meat in a traditional (organic) way is the thing that first pops into mind when thinking healthy. But can that approach be a solution to the numerous problems that humanity is facing today? 

Agriculture has thus evolved to provide large quantities of food for ever-growing needs, and supply chains have followed suit. 

If we think about how most people live today, we quickly realize that urbanization has taken its toll. We can’t expect that New York or Dubai citizens would be able to have a garden to grow food for their households, or that small farms could ever produce enough food to feed their growing cities’ population. Agriculture has thus evolved to provide large quantities of food for our ever-growing needs, and supply chains have followed suit. Having the ability to access any type of food, from anywhere in the world, any time of the year is pretty much the norm now. 

Exotic fruit agri 2

But this does come with a price, as we are becoming acutely aware. Not only the high purchase price of the exotic fruit that came from across the globe but also the price that climate change, soil erosion, and biodiversity loss will inflict on us. If you combine that with the ever-growing world population, we are in quite a predicament. Do we have the brains and the tools to fight it? That is where AgTech comes in, the potential is immense and provides us with a sense of excitement and hope that we can still reverse the damage! 

Innovative solutions: 

Some greenhouses and vertical farming facilities use recycled water and use rain or humidity from the air to create water, thus saving this valuable resource. 

Drones equipped with cameras and sensors combined with artificial intelligence and machine learning monitor the state of some crops. They identify pests or diseases in the early stages and notify the farmer in real time, providing the farmer with the knowledge to prevent problems from getting worse or spreading. 

Solar-powered robots can conduct normally manual activities. They save on fuel and manpower and prevent excessive usage of chemicals when they aren’t needed. Solar-powered robots can also weed and reduce herbicide usage. 

IoT devices can monitor a plant’s water demand and provide inputs to apply the proper irrigation, thus only using water when it’s needed. Likewise, sensors on IoT devices can monitor light, temperature, soil moisture, and many other key factors for plant health. 

Big data, combining various parameters collected from the fields and geographic information systems, provide agricultural protocols that help protect the soil, enhance biodiversity, and increase food security. 

AgTech has the power to help tip the scale in the positive direction. 

Humanity can turn things upside down, in good or bad ways. For example, plants use the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to turn it into energy for their growth, but also into carbohydrates, which is food for us. This process in its basis is carbon-negative, but everything surrounding it (production of fertilizers, pesticides, the machinery used for tilling, sowing, harvesting, and the supply chain bringing food to our local store) has turned this carbon-negative process into a carbonpositive one.

AgTech now has the power to help tip the scale back in the opposite direction, and with a number of clients in the industry, we can’t wait to see how it will evolve further and what benefits it will bring in the future. Because taking care of our environment is the only thing that can save us and that feat should be taken seriously by everyone, not only the ones in the immediate vicinity, e.g., AgTech companies. Being sustainable and mindful of the environment is not that hard, no matter what you do.

CMG adopted the sustainability policy and is actively promoting reusing of the existing assets, recycling of content, and an active effort to turn your brand into a sustainable one. Only if we all work together, and we all stand unified in our intention to bring forth better times, will the future become brighter! 

Agri tech