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CMG Announces Partnership With Adstream

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Announcing CMG and Adstream partnership - the convergence of digital expertise and technology

We are proud to announce a partnership between Adstream and CMG. Adstream is the world’s leading advertising digital asset management, workflow, and distribution company that provides innovative tools for managing the production process in advertising. They unite a vast network of over 79,000 media owners across broadcast, print, audio and digital.

Centralized production for the global market

Having a purpose is what drives technology forward. As a core strategic foundation for most enterprises, technology is often a crucial determinant of organizational survival and success.

‍CMG provides a centralized scale for the world’s largest multinational companies. Our mission to lead globally and win locally shapes the way we deliver assets. A centralized production hub ensures consistency across markets and omnichannel communication based on our capabilities to create solutions across different digital touchpoints.

A continuation of ongoing cooperation

Our story began a few years ago with a project for P&G, where we have been setting up the entire model on two clusters. Since then, this relationship has only been growing.

Underpinned by Adstream technology, we will help businesses increase efficiency and productivity and seamlessly integrate marketing and production processes, including:

  •  Digital Asset Management & Delivery
  • Traffic Management
  • Media Automation
  • Data Analytics

We have been collaborating with Adstream across global clients and industries, which helped optimize processes by 25%, increase speed by 40% and adoption rate by 3 times (based on previous centralized model implementation).

The road ahead
CMG and Adstream partnership is based on providing complementary services to address today’s strategic challenges . And we look forward to adding even more strategic value to our work, we’re sure it will go along great with our digital expertise.”