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How We Do Customer Satisfaction Around Here

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This is how we do it: Customer Satisfaction

There are many ways to define customer satisfaction. In a nutshell, it measures customer happiness with the company’s products and services.

The measure of things

There are various methods to measure CS: with metrics, direct and indirect feedback. The main tools in metrics are CSAT, NPS, and CES. (Yes, that’s a lot of abbreviations.) But behind a bunch of capitalized letters, they are all relatively simple. They all ask a question and then provide answers set on a specific scale.

‍Nothing beats asking directly with customer, in-app, and post-service surveys. We ask users about their overall experience working with CMG, what parts of it were successful and where they see the potential for improvement. The answers are then analyzed and cataloged.

Indirect feedback and customer satisfaction are assessed by the power of analytics and provide a non-intrusive mode of analysis.

Using gathered data

Metrics aside, there is no point in measuring without good use. We need the data to create an insight-driven action plan. A 5-star rating feels good. But, to grow, we need to implement client feedback into our further work. This is why every measurement needs a direct outcome.

How we do what we do

This is what we find important with working with our clients:

1. Nothing beats the human touch. Working with our clients is not a matter of establishing a once-in-a-year contact and then asking for feedback. Au contraire! This relationship requires an honest, one-to-one connection.

2. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Just like feedback doesn’t change with the flick of a switch, we allow ourselves to test the theories and, through time, implement optimizations to our work and processes. It’s vitally important to constantly keep in touch with our clients. In case we see a specific ask repeating, that’s our cue to start testing different approaches.

3. Our clients inspire us. By keeping an open mind and staying flexible, we improve our relationship with one client and replicate the experience across the company and generate an overall value. After discussing regular business on status calls, it’s good to leave some room for whatever might come up. Some of the best ideas came from informal conversations with our clients!

4. Always have a plan. Every time we receive meaningful feedback, we are determined to put it into practice. That’s why we create a data-driven action plan, with which we define ways and methods to integrate valuable feedback.

5. Rinse & repeat. We constantly evaluate what we have done and then iterate. This involves repeated feedback on the implementation of feedback. And that’s the only way to do it.

Find out more about how CMG puts the words about customer satisfaction into action from our Account Director Biljana Martincic!

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Hi, my name is Biljana and I'm account director in CMG. Today I will share more insights on client satisfaction and how we manage it in CMG. So the client satisfaction is the core of our business. Happy clients makes our business successful. So this matrix are spread across our team and every single employee has its own KPI to have clients satisfied. Client satisfaction is the core of our business, the core of what we do. This applies to every single employee because clients and customers are in the heart of our operations. You you we have been praised to be able to create really strong relationship with our clients, but this becomes harder within this ever changing environment and with strong competition. This is why we have to held accountable our team against this key business objective. Having a satisfied client, each client or each project have its own need. Which means that our client satisfaction survey is actually tailor made for each client. You within the client satisfaction strategy, we have created the process with four stages to help us identify the pain points and to manage the client's feedback. The first stage is to ask the questions. This is why we have created a standardized questionnaire that is being shared to clients on a regular basis. To help our clients to be focused in answering and providing feedback. We have categorized the questions into six buckets, into strategy, communication, people, process outputs and the model which helps us identify where to prioritize when creating the action plan what needs to be improved. After collecting the feedback from our clients, our team regroups internally and ensures that we understand the background and the source of the problems. Often we connect again with the client on the call to make sure to fully understand their frustrations. Being clear where the gap is, we create plan how to improve it and what is really important that this plan is presented to the client. So both agency and client monitors the progress on improvement. Often we are facing low response rate on our survey because 43% of the clients often think that agency doesn't care about their feedbacks. But in CMG we do and it's good to read good feedbacks from the clients, but for us it's more focused on the negative ones because we are learning and trying to be better partner for our clients. You the fact that we have been able to increase client satisfaction rate from 3.4 to 4.2 within one year for the pharmaceutical company just proves that our client satisfaction strategy actually works. We strongly believe that humanity in digital, our vision actually helps us being successful in making sure our clients are happy. And this actually makes us unique because even though we are using all the templates, standardized tools, automation, we still believe that personalized human touch is the most important for our clients.